Thursday, January 12, 2012

The beginning

Tuesday night I was scrambling to get all the loose ends tied up: print boarding passes, photocopy passport & visas, take some clothing out to make room for stuff I'm going to pick up during the journey. It really didn't hit me until I was wrapping up.  On Wednesday, I would be leaving the comfort of the US and instead of communicating through English, I would have to resort to a month long game of charades.  And forget about the trying to be rested to fight jet lag thing.  I ended up getting 3 hours of sleep failing to subdue by anxiety/excitement so I could fall asleep.

Before I knew it, Wednesday was underway.  It kinda flew.  As fast as 15 hours on a plane and 4 hours in an airport can fly.  For my 1st leg which was EWR to ORD, I was pleasantly upgraded to 1st class (my 1st time!).  It is super comfy.  No fighting anyone for the armrest.  For my 2nd flight, I had the economy plus seats from United.  It is amazing what 5 extra inches means in terms of comfort.  Here is a little guy that you are going to see a lot of in my upcoming travels.
I slept for a total of 3 hours on the plane.  Fighting sleep with two movies, Crazy, Stupid Love and They Way, Suits, How I Met Your Mother, and reading...

View of the sunset/sunrise?

Mountains of Northern Japan

Now I sit in NRT eating some expensive airport food...

Cyall soon.. have to catch my flight to BKK...

1 comment:

  1. Wow you are in Narita already? The world has gotten so small!!! mMM~ I love that airport haha, especially the Duty Free~~ and is that the restaurant with all the fake food on display~ YUM!

    This blog is awesome, how many people have a chance to do this? I'm both happy for you and envious of you! Can't wait to see more posts~ be safe and have fun!!!! We miss you here already~~

    p.s. being First Class, did you enjoy watching the "poor parade" file past you as you stretched out? LOL We miss you here already~~
